Code Snippet: Actor-critic on the Pendulum problem with continuous action

Description: Actor-critic on the Pendulum problem with continuous action, tile coding,
and a policy structure using a parameterized normal distribution.

Source code:


Model-Free Reinforcement Learning with Continuous Action in Practice. T. Degris, P. M. Pilarski, R. S. Sutton (2012). In Proceedings of the 2012 American Control Conference.

Running this demo:

  • From the command line:
    1. Download rlpark.jar
    2. Run the following command line:
      java -cp rlpark.jar rlpark.example.demos.learning.ActorCriticPendulum
  • In Zephyr standalone application:
    1. Download Zephyr standalone application
    2. Install RLPark plug-ins in Zephyr
    3. Go to: Demos->Sarsa on Mountain Car
  • In Eclipse, as a Java Application:
    1. Create a new Java Project or use an existing project
    2. Include rlpark.jar in the project classpath
    3. Run a Java Application target using rlpark.example.demos.learning.ActorCriticPendulum as a main class
  • In Eclipse, as an Eclipse Application:
    1. Install Zephyr plug-ins and RLPark plug-ins in Eclipse
      download RLPark source code and import RLPark projects (including the demo project rlpark.example.demos) into the workspace
    2. Set up an Eclipse Application target following the tutorial Using Zephyr plug-ins
    3. In the Eclipse Application target configuration:
      1. In the menu, go to: Run->Run Configurations...
      2. Select the Eclipse Application target
      3. In the Plug-ins tab, select the plug-in rlpark.example.demos and rlpark.plugin.rltoysview to enable RLPark views
    4. Start Zephyr by running the Eclipse Application target
    5. In the Zephyr menu, go to: Demos->Actor-Critic on Pendulum
      or in the Arguments tab, add rlpark.example.demos.learning.ActorCriticPendulum to the Program Arguments text field


zephyr.plugin.core.api, rlpark.plugin.rltoys
