Tutorial: Interacting with the Create

Connecting to the Create with Zephyr

  1. Making the Create bluetooth aware:
    • Turn off the robot
    • Plug the bluetooth adapter on the robot
    • Turn on the robot
  2. Pairing the Create bluetooth adapter with your computer (with Mac OS X):
    • System Preferences->Bluetooth
    • Make sure the bluetooth is turned on on the computer
    • Click the + button
    • Select the bluetooth adapter. If a pairing key is needed, it is 0000 or 1234.
    • Back to the Preferences, click on the Gear Icon->Edit Serial Ports... the path of the serial link created on your computer
  3. Connecting to the Create with Zephyr (optional):
    • Download and install the application Zephyr
    • Install RLPark plugins in Zephyr
    • Start Zephyr
    • Click on File->Connect to a Create...
    • Choose the port corresponding to the bluetooth adapter
    • You should have a view opened showing the data coming in from the Create

Creating a new Eclipse project to control the robot in Java with Zephyr

  1. Install Zephyr plugins in Eclipse by following Zephyr plugins installation instructions
  2. Create a new Eclipse project:
    • File->New->Other... and then Plug-in Development->Plug-in Project then click Next
    • Give a name to the project and click Next
    • Disable the different options in the Options tab
    • Click Finish
  3. On the left, in the Package Explorer view, Eclipse has added your new project. Open it and you should see: JRE System Library (the Java environment you are using), a META-INF folder with a MANIFEST.MF file (this is meta-information about your project: what is its name, its version, its dependencies...), a build.properties file (how to build your project). MANIFEST.MF and build.properties are text files but when you double-click on them, Eclipse opens special editors.
  4. Set up the dependencies in your project:
    • Open MANIFEST.MF, open Dependencies tab
    • In Required Plug-ins, click Add... and add the following plug-ins: zephyr.plugin.core, zephyr.plugin.core.api, rlpark.plugin.irobot, rlpark.plugin.rltoys, rlpark.plugin.robot
    • Save
  5. Writing the code to interact with the Create:
    • Right-click on the src folder in your project and then New->Class
    • Give a name to your class. To be compatible with Zephyr, your class should also implement the interface zephyr.plugin.core.api.ZephyrRunnable
    • Implement your class using as a template the class CreateIntroSessionZephyr
    • Don't forget to put your path to the serial port on line 15 (or close to this line)

Running the project

  1. Adding some meta-information to let Zephyr know what class it should start when loading your jar:
    • Open MANIFEST.MF
    • Open the tab Extensions
    • Click  Add... and select zephyr.runnable (if it does not appear: check your dependencies: you are probably missing zephyr.plugin.core)
    • Right-click on zephyr.runnable, then New->client
    • Click on the new client and in the Extension Element Details, in the field class, browse to select your class
    • Save: Eclipse created a xml file in your project, namely plugin.xml, to indicate the extension you provide in your plugin
  2. Running your code with Zephyr:
    • In Eclipse, go to the menu Run->Run Configurations...
    • On the left, create a new Eclipse Application by right-clicking on Eclipse Application->New
    • Give a name to your configuration
    • In Program to Run, in Run a product, select rlpark.plugin.critterview.crittergui
    • Go to the tab Plug-ins, in Launch with: select plug-ins selected below only, then click Deselect All, then select for activation your project/plug-in (should be one of the first in the plugin list), and then Add Required Plug-ins
    • Click on Run
    • Note that your run configuration can directly be started from the icons on the toolbar
