Tutorial: a Surprised Create

This demo learns a set of on-policy and off-policy predictions. The iRobot Create beeps when the variance of the TD error is bigger than usual.

  1. Requirements: make sure Zephyr plugins are installed in Eclipse (see Download in Zephyr), make sure Eclipse plugins are installed in Eclipse (see Download in RLPark). Make sure to do (or understand) the tutorial Interacting with the Create.
  2. Start a server to connect to the Create robot
  3. Optional: you can run this demo directly from the Zephyr application (with RLPark plugins installed) by going to: Demos->iRobot Create Surprise
  4. Download the project rlpark.example.surprise.tar.gz
  5. Import the project in Eclipse by going to: File->Import... then Existing Project into Workspace then select the project rlpark.example.surprise.tar.gz and follow Eclipse instructions
  6. Follow the instructions in Running Zephyr with your client from Using Zephyr Plugins tutorial. Note that Autostart is false by default. So, you need to add the id rlpark.example.surprise.createsurprise to the program arguments of your Run Configuration.
  7. Once the example runs, check the code starting from the main class: CreateSurprise.java
